I love this website, it is very interesting to learn English. Learn English online with the help of this free website from the British Council with games, stories, listening activities and grammar exercises.
domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014
lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014
If you like the stories you'll love this site. I used to do many activities in the classroom, and like children very much. I hope you find it useful.
domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014
As teachers have a major role in explaining this holiday season, here I leave some material.
The celebration of the holiday season like children. But often are unaware of the origin of this holiday season. Explain to children where they come from these celebrations is a good way to understand the meaning of Christmas. Thus, we will be transmitting the cultural meaning of these holidays. It is important to explain to children the meaning of Christmas, beyond fun and gifts
sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014
Here you have this interesting website to help children learn different onomatopoeias that exist, because in every country, they are in a way. In the picture are basic onomatopoeias that children have to learn. It is very important to put them into practice, songs and tales are very useful for this.
miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014
We have chosen Pretty Ritty’s Story because it is a fun story and teaches of contents to children.
At my University, we have had to make a theatre that I have subsequently made them kids, I've chosen this story because animals like children and they can learn many things. Here you have a small video, later to publish my video. I hope you like it.
At my University, we have had to make a theatre that I have subsequently made them kids, I've chosen this story because animals like children and they can learn many things. Here you have a small video, later to publish my video. I hope you like it.

I was looking for activities on numbers for my class and I found a very useful material, I share it if it helps you, I think it is very entertaining and dynamic. The children will have much fun.
martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014
Is very little for Christmas
Three-year-old have never been present at Christmas, so we have to teach the vocabulary of these parties, who know the true meaning of Christmas, the most relevant things, celebrations, gifts, songs... So here you have material that you can serve in the classroom, the kids will love

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014
The villain of the story
Tired of always being the villain of the story, Mr. Wolf got up one morning ready to give up his job. He put on his best suit, had a good shave and went off to the employment office for children stories’ characters. At the office there was a great fuss going on.
Puss-in-Boots had tried to jump the queue and pass in front of Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother and the witch in Snowwhite was so furious
that she had turned him into a mouse:
– Such disrespect for your elders! -She shouted angrily.
The office staff took more than half an hour to convince the witch to turn Puss in Boots back to normal, so that is why there was so much delay that morning. When they finally shouted out his name,
the wolf, dragging his feet, sat down at the office worker’s desk.
the wolf, dragging his feet, sat down at the office worker’s desk.
– How can I help you, Mr. Wolf? Have you had any delays with your salary this month?
– No, no problem at all with that. The trouble is with the job itself. I am tired of being the villain of the stories; of the children being afraid of me; of all the other story characters laughing at me when I end up burnt, with my stomach full of stones or shot by the hunter. Either you turn me into hero or I quit my job!
– But we can’t do that! For heroes, we’ve already got loads of Princes!
– But that is also very boring. Haven’t you heard the princesses’ complaints? They are fed up with having to be the dainty ones always in need of being saved. Times are changing, sir. You should all know this once and for all!
But however much Mr. Wolf tried to convince the officer he got nowhere, so he left the office angrily ready to never, ever work again.
And this was how the stories ended without a villain. The Three Little Piglets stared with nostalgia at their new brick house with a chimney. Little Red Ridding Hood was dissapointed with her granmother because she didn’t have either big eyes, or a big nose or mouth. The Seven Little Goats waited bored out of their minds for their mother to come back home. Peter did not scare anyone when he shouted “Here comes the Wolf!”… Because they all knew that Mr. Wolf had gone forever.
But the worse thing was that, without Mr. Wolf, the stories stopped being funny and the children were getting so bored that they stopped reading.
At the employment office of children’s stories, all the characters were so worried that they decided to have a meeting to try to find a solution.
– If children stop reading, we will soon all disappear!
– We need to convince Mr. Wolf to return to his job as the villain of the stories.
– We have to promise him that we will not laugh at him again. We need him!
So they all went together to visit him. When Mr. Wolf saw that all the characters wanted him to return, he was very touched.
– Ok -said Mr. Wolf-, I see that I have no choice but to accept my role as the villain of the stories. But to return to children’s literature I need a favour from all of you: I want all the children to know that in my free time I do not go around eating grandmothers, or little goats, or piglets.
– But, how can we do this? – they all asked at once.
– I know about a blog on children’s literature that I’m sure they would be interested in this story!- exclaimed the rabbit without ears enthusiastically.
And this is how the story of why Mr. Wolf didn’t want to be the villan of the story came to us…
The cold is here
With the arrival of the cold these films are of fashion:
- Great educational value to transmit core values.
- Important recreational power that will facilitate the internalization of the values.
- Entertaining film for small for older people.
- Funny characters, magic, impossible situations to stimulate the attention and imagination of children
You can work the winter season:

domingo, 9 de noviembre de 2014
sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014
When I was child my movie favorite was Tarzan, here I make a brief summary: When Kala, a female Gorilla, is an orphaned child in the jungle, he decides to adopt it as his own son despite the opposition of Kerchak, the head of the herd. By Terk, a funny monkey and Tantor, a somewhat neurotic elephant, Tazan will grow in the jungle developed the instincts of animals and learning to glide between trees at breakneck speed. But when an expedition enters the jungle and Tarzan meets Jane, you will discover who really is and what is the world to which it belongs...
Goals that seeks to get this film are the transmit the values of friendship, the love of animals and nature, cooperation and camaraderie to achieve our goals, the value to be able to overcome our own fears, as it does, the elephant, and equality when Kala, mother of Tarzan, makes you see that both are the same (both have two handsheartbeat...)
I think that is a movie that sends many values to children, despite the physical appearance of each all are equal and must also respect us, shows us the daily effort of Tarzan by getting what you really want, be a monkey. This film can help adopted children not feel different.Above all what more I liked are the songs of the film, here you have my favorite:
Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November, but many Americans take a day of vacation on the following Friday to make a four-day weekend, during which they may travel long distances to visit family and friends.
The holiday dates back to 1621, the year after the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts, determined to practice their dissenting religion without interference. After a rough winter, in which about half of them died, they turned for help to neighboring Indians, who taught them how to plant corn and other crops. The next fall's bountiful harvest inspired the Pilgrims to give thanks by holding a feast.
The Thanksgiving feast became a national tradition — not only because so many other Americans have found prosperity but also because the Pilgrims' sacrifices for their freedom still captivate the imagination.
To this day, Thanksgiving dinner almost always includes some of the foods served at the first feast: roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes, pumpkin pie. Before the meal begins, families or friends usually pause to give thanks for their blessings, including the joy of being united for the occasion.
sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014
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